Where is that? I cannot seem to find it
Officially I don't think there is a rule that restricts you to only summon copies of what you already have. I believe that you can summon whatever...
I just made a BIG update, check it out!
That is good and all, but I still feel the system is inferior to 8th. Sure it is different and there are other tactics, but at the end of the day...
1) Mysterious, Ancient, Bada**, Unrelenting, Dinosaurs and Godly 2) (Based on fluff) Kroq-Gar, Gor-Rok, Chakax, Kroak and Mazdamundi 3) I really...
It might be too late to come with name suggestions, but anyway, here are some:...
There is no reason we cannot have both kinds of spawnings.
Alright, here are the links: talocofxhotl's: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YQC46BZ49hrVRc742IL46vQQoPOqrVEytXa5lOORLN0/edit?usp=sharing...
talocofxhotl and I (almost seperately) made some suggestions for spawnings, these where of course for 8th, but some might still work and some...
The snake one could have the poisoned attacks, but maybe it could work like Jungle swarms, as it basically is the same thing with They are...
Alright, i'll give both a try
Fantastic! So a living or dead Kroak?
I have begun working on more special characters, and if nothing else just for fun, but we will see if you guys likes them, or maybe just parts of...
So I made a take 3 for the Hand of the Gods
The Hand of the Gods is the real problem here, how does one make it useful, without making it too good, or something like a bound spell that will...
So I made my take on Kroq-Gar, for the 9th age (for you Lord Grok Of Xillaqua)....
Hmm I would change his spear, and his hand of the gods could be changed to something else more usefull. I would give him something that would help...
I don't know about that, He is riding a monster, so he is filling another role. Where Gor-Rok can join units, Kroq-Gar cannot. Besides Kroq-Gar...
Maybe make him a lord choice instead then, if there is any support for that?
We could have a live Kroak now. Although wouldn't most, if not all of the special characters need to be renamed. Wishlisting: Some sort of...