Rainbow lizards ;) So how are you painting them? Do you have an overall color palette that you choose from or do you paint what you feel like?
Will you basecoat the whole model, or will you leave the Stegosaurus as is?
so is that to be Mazdamundi?
Does that mean that you play 8th? :happy:
Welcome You cane surely find some inspiration to your army, whether it's painting or converting, there are a lot of very talented people here....
That makes me a bit nervous for the future. If they drop Lizardmen, I will NEVER play their game, that would be the end for me no matter how good...
Well Lizardmen aren't supported anymore, it's Seraphons now :meh: If they didn't want to continue with the lizards, I really do not understand...
So Kroak's Celestial deliverance spell has a range of 3 D6, making it roughly a 10 inch range. The battle standard bearer can make his Celestial...
If they where to travel across water the Lizardmen could ride on Pliodons. Lizardmen army book page 22: "Pliodons acted as living ferries across...
I don't think the salamander should be there to do a whole lot, but it's there to help you get the advantage in combat.
As you already have a lot that can do the same (Skirmishers, chameleons and terradons) I think you should go for something that aids them, or...
the 18 inch bsb and general range will definitely come in handy more in this list, than if you had saurus. You might want to consider salamanders,...
The Orcs where sent back from whence they came
Det ser ud som om der er sneget sig et velkendt sprog ind.
This might give some inspiration: http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/colourful-lizardmen-ideas-pool.16674/#post-136758
I too think the beast would be the best way to go, as Tetto'eko can handle the Heavens.
Yeah great idea with the comet, use it as an area denial. You culd have some skinks close to the comet shoothing at him, if he loses some orcs,...
You will probably figure out what to do when you know what you are up against, and if not, you will learn something about what works and what does...
But if he is with the boar boys, you won't hit him with the impact hits anyway right? As impact hits are distributed as shooting.
Plus I guess the Kroxigor give the unit Fear, so now they won't run away if something terror causing comes their way, which is great if they have...