Little progress... Finished knight and wip knight: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Converted scar veteran: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] And a group shot of all riders......
Best wishes from me, too!
What they said ^
I like the dark look...
Like a ceremonial mace! Brilliant!
Thanks... can only hope my paint job is doing this amazing sculpt justice...:artist::banghead: Also continued painting the converted cowboy and...
Nicely done! Beautiful bright colors!
Not that people think I don't paint lizardmen anymore... Here is what I made out of the rex on raptor model... quite common for me to change the...
Ok... that looks strange...
Somehow I feel a little forced into looking for the possibility to get some tomb kings models... ;) Just like this devil on shoulder thing... the...
This bright orange... I really like how it pops out... gives them a kind of fire salamander or poison dart frog kind of look... especially on the...
Definitely right for both armies...
Practice is definitely paying off here... looks really good!
Nice job! I like the colors you chose for the dino... although it's blue and white... but black and yellow would look strange on a dinosaur...;)
Really amazing pictures! I'd add some grey and purple to the list... maybe even black...
We have a similar not on one off the toilets in the craft store... it's like: STAND TOILET!!! Do not sit! out of order!!! Pleas use one of the...
The game will go on...
@NIGHTBRINGER ... you were nearly there... nearly... :p
Indeed I took the points some guy at tga published... probably self calculated... And it's definitely no problem if the sce list is stronger than...