So... my wife's nephew(8) showed some interest in AOS skirmish... he liked my (at that time single) liberator and we had a small duel between some...
No one dares to make the 1000th reply? Ok... now I did it myself...:p
Her my red-tributors in their current state of painting... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] The liberator prime... [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I'm jealous...
I'm really jealous... as I don't have a dedicated place even for painting I usually have to arrange things in my office before I can start... And...
Some vultures do eat bones... Nice inspiration here, by the way...
A backview of one of the heroes of the gang... his armor is colored black on gold... the shoulder pads will be in rasta colors, too... possibly......
Excellent job! And great use of the old shield... really like it!
Stormcast Eternals - Lord... [ATTACH] ... Varys?!! ... poor guy missing some vital parts... :hilarious::angelic::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:
Guess it's kow... sadly... cause:
Maybe you can find a decent skull from an other company? Some sell different skulls for basing purpose...
Don't know if this is helping in some way, but with the red clothing it reminds me of Father Christmas...o_O:hilarious: ...I guess it's not......
Yep... found that guy in Google, too... And that's the reason why I didn't post it here... ;) The plan was to give all my sce s a silver mask...
Definitely looking good. More tanky than the original but that's just positive...
So... had to try gold... have to say it definitely looks more unified... exchanging red and green parts gives enough variety... check it out...
You bought a million slann, too? You guys are crazy... ;):p
That is really great stuff... it's not only that there is a tree but a real jungle tree with lianas orchids and bromelia... And little flying...
Some SCE I painted today... ok actually it's just one retributor in red black and green... liberator is just for comparison... [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Sounds good! Great work! But what else can you expected from a civil engineer? ;)
I like that there is a broken sce's shield on the base... looks like they lost a fight and some seraphon show up to get things done...