Man! That looks nice!
Not sure if I'll be able to finish my scratch build Slann for this... New job, working on Saturdays and stuff like that, you know... so maybe I'm...
Great work! This is awesome! Didn't realize that it's nmm on the head at first... so I guess you performed well on this as well as on the feathers...
Progress on the warpriest number two... painted the tunic purple though I initially had black in mind... still unsure... it makes him so...
That's really close to robbery, I guess...
Added the ink... black and red... [ATTACH]
Definitely scary... Definitely cool...
It's a book with the wisdom of mankind written in... or at least the wisdom of 12.9% of the German people... :banghead::hungover::vomit: Ok....
Thanks! On that topic: I see it as a kind of evolved lizard... ;) I don't know what it is about priests, that I like their models so much......
I like them...:)
Maybe purple could work on the darker parts... but blue might be the way to go... on the light blue definitely a blue wash or glaze
And you see that it's easier than most people think... you just have to be creative... And brave enough to completely destroy a intact miniature...
Looking good so far. I would recommend a wash for the Slann... only the skin... or maybe a strong glaze with guilimann blue... just to give it...
Nice conversions!
Ok. Thats one way to use the time... but I would prefer to leave 30 minutes earlier if I came 30 minutes earlier... or also stay for 30 minutes...
Also you're now taking the train to get to work so you can always get at least the basecoat done on your way to work and back home,...
Winter is coming...
Nicely done! Did you really wetblend every single spike? Worth the effort... I would say... I want to see more!
I never would have eaten it but kept it until it turned into a fury grey and white masse and started losing it's shape... Too good to eat......