Thanks guys
Ok... that's awesome! Never thought of something like that... Is it still movable?
That was what I thought, too... after doing the sepia... :banghead::facepalm: Yes indeed a nice model. I really like her attitude... like walking...
Some progress on Franziska's skin... First highlights using the base color (rakarth flesh) [ATTACH] Followed by several layers of rakarth flesh...
Nightwish style...
So made some progress... [ATTACH] And started/continued painting some amaxons... Franziska on the left (name of a Germanic axe and a ex...
Looking good! And I agree with you about the spears...
Well... managed to visit the shop before I had to go to my late shift... was looking for dwarfs... didn't find any... Bought some stuff anyway......
^ nice
Bingo! ;)
Seems like red is the color of my dwarven pack... [ATTACH] Though this guy (dwarf wizard? Is that possible?!o_O:p) wears a blue cloak......
Haven't you been in Japan for a serious amount of time recently?
As I understand it one can deploy just the Slann (necessary) and all units that don't have the SAURUS keyword (and are not supposed to be...
This reminds me of this 'Eventhorizont' movie...
You're crazy! I'm a very positive way... respect and good luck from my side! And yes, here are indeed some guys with experience in similar...
Maybe you could use those skull helmets people use for blood bowl conversions as a base for your conversion... I once bought a set of five but...
Nice dirt and rust...
[MEDIA] Found this...
I want you [ATTACH] To tell me what you think about the loincloth... [ATTACH] Turns out he's gonna be heavily converted when done...