Garutis, lunch slung over his shoulder, tree branches in his bag Garutis has a purpose, he is going to try and find local rew-uhm somethings. he...
In an act of spite garutis kicks the tree, managing to cause some pain in his foot, but leaving the tree unscathed.. Garutis this time uses his...
Cursing loudly garutis tries to figure out how he can get out from the tree.. he can see his lunch not far off but if only he could get out from...
Garutis hears something near the woods, licking his lips garutis draws his axe and readies to hunt whatever he may come across
2001 grievous was incredible, i feel like the version of him portrayed on big screen really does not represent the character
Here is my list 1. jar jar binks 2. jar jar binks 3. jar jar binks 4. jar jar binks 5. jar jar binks 6. jar jar binks 7. jar jar binks 8. jar jar...
Garutis gets up from his seat and walks out, muttering something about needing to hunt something tasty
Garutis is now feeling bored, so he watches Izema throw a shiny shirt to shiro. However he forgets he was balancing his ale on the tip of his axe,...
At the words axe and throw, garutis instinctively reaches for his axe.. he unsheathes it and..... starts balancing his mug of ale on the axe....
yessss muhahahaa i am to firmly established in the forum, to remove me would create a hole so deep that it could not be filled. Although it...
@Nart saurus knights get 7 attacks in coalesced as a base, and with a charge two of those attacks deal 2 damage. They are fairly well suited to...
Garutis has forgotten why he was hear, and differs all judgment to Eugene. He begins to tear into the half cooked leg of a goat he got for...
As the group sits at a table Garutis makes it clear why he is hear "U guys have led me to da best lunches I got in while" Coming from Garutis this...
"Ju-st-ice?" Garutis looks puzzeled. "Me never heard dat wurd"
Garutis nods at his buddy and offers to shake Shiro's hand "Ah frined of Eugene is a frined of Garutis"
Garutis looks at Eugene, and at Drakk. He has never heard the word "tav-urn" seems like fun. Garutis and Eugene get up and follow follow Drakk to...
ping pong 1 v 1 me for control of the april fools day pranks we do
so maybe physical damage could be your standard axe to the head, while a non physical could be a sick yo mamma joke?
well the important part stays there so all good :D
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