Roses are red Saurus are blue the great plan is coming to a town near you!
It does have some decent coverage as it can cover melee and shooting, but the fact that it wont cover mortal wounds is fairly annoying. If GW...
noticing all of the people giving intrigued looks at eugene, garutis tells them "dis eugene, he good friend. We did fun stuff. We burned villages...
Garutis turns and looks at the crew. He is insulted that they had no respect for his way of life, for garutis is far ahead of his era, and these...
LAND! Garutis bounds off the ship and kisses the sweet ground. But as he looks around, he smells something..oddly familiar
Garutis happily finishes his food and belches. He notices nobody is watching him, he picks up wrecked pieces of the ship in his vicinity and...
Garutis charges towards the orcs, finished with throwing rocks. He finds the biggest and fattest of the orcs and lunges, he strikes down, ready to...
Garutis readies another rock, preparing to hurl a last time before he closes in the melee!
Garutis flings another rock at the same target, and it scores a heavy blow! Garutis shouts some profanity at his foe before drawing his axe and...
Enraged that he squished his squirrel food, garutis hefts another rock and fires!
Garutis pulls out some animal tendon in his bag and fastens it to two thick supports on the ship, he then lifts another rock and loads it into the...
Garutis cheers as the ballista scores a hit. To add garutis takes a rock from the hold and hurls it at the ship (rolled a 2 with -3). Garutis...
The riptide is well under way after 4 days of having it [ATTACH]
At the word battle, garutis changes. He is whipped into a frenzy, drops his artwork and prepares for combat! He has been waiting for a good fight!
Dunno, as poorly handled as covid is, a new mutation wouldn’t be end game. I suspect it’s going to be far worse, along the lines of Duncan not...
I heard the December boss was pretty terrifying, makes dark souls 2 look easy..
What really is so appealing about them is a cheap unit can do sooo well with minimal buffs. it’s like a freight train with reptiles :D
oh yeah mighty destroyers.... i love "balance"
eh i would say they are better in many cases due to that extra mobility and additional volume of attacks
Blue cold ones! Really excellent paint scheme you did, all in all, amazing job :)