The problem with blades is that the jaws of the cold one do a similar thing, and the opportunity cost of sacrificing the lance charge really isn’t...
Garutis plays innocent, and pulls out some stretched hide and various bits of clay. It turns out that in his spare time garutis is a landscape...
“V v vvaayy ppooor?” It’s a new word to garutis but he has a good idea what it is. However garutis is bored and rummages through his bag, and...
Glad you liked them, tau are fun to paint :D
Garutis heard something about brigands and a raid. Garutis liked raids. He awkwardly trundled towards the captain and inquired her on their task...
Ah yes now it’s in color! Took the artist long enough to finish it Oh wait that was me...
Brilliant. Cleanse our enemies for those in quarantine
[ATTACH] Grommit they’re the wrong trousers!
birthday pup [IMG]
Turp? Taarrp? Garutis ahs no clue what it is. He allows the crew to bring it out. Still he has no clue what it is. Do you eat it? Do you sleep on...
As Drakk talks to Tarkaz, Garutis finds the spot where he ate the mystery meat and begins to skin the squirrel. As he does so he hums a tune, and...
Garutis has made his kill, and carries the half cooked squirrel back to the ship for later consumption. Hopefully the crew wont mind him eating...
Garutis is dissapointed. he does realize that the squirrel would probably make a good scarf and attempts to fell it
Garutis hefts his axe and takes a nibble to check its condition. It tasted a bit weird but other then that it was in working condition. That night...
Garutis claps. The fact that Drakk was not instantly slain by such a lethal throw as the one grautis had just enacted must have been a true act of...
Orruks. I hate them, they get under my skin
Garutis waits for the right moment, when the magik lizhurd is most vulnerable. Then he flings the axe... @Tk'ya'pyk feel free to retcon
seraphon seraphon seraphon if you pick up those orruks...
Garutis did not like da magik. It was far too much for his primitive mind to comprehend. Drakk could dodge knives, but could he dodge an axe?...
@Lizards of Renown the fact that you enjoyed the technical descriptions of it is a huge thing for me. School never really gave me the opportunity...