Ohh, I see what you mean, I have never cast plastic models using green stuff, I am not sure on how to do that. The only thing I have done is...
@DanBot thanks a lot man! I really apreciate the comment, the work here is amayzing!! I am always looking for inspiration and new ideas. Yes...
@NIGHTBRINGER I ussually put a little bit of soap on the mold and thats it. It has worked great for me, but if you are habing trouble, make sure...
Does this mean that you are up for the orders on the new ones? If so, thats awesome!! count me in for a pair of tham!
I am not sure if I am reading too much into this or if I am just compleatly wrong, but from what I understand you can put characters in units and...
I have to agree, they where at its best when we had the 7th ed book in 8th. They are VERY strong in AoS, there are many good sinergies (temple...
I was playing a game and this came out... There is no longuer the rule for "1s are always a failled armor save" or the rule that says that the...
Great job man!!!
Welcome!! Definatelly a great time to start! I am ceirtain that what ever you are looking for you will find! There is always eople willing to...
http://www.louisvillewargaming.com/Files/AzyrComp.pdf Here is another atempt at balancing AoS
Thanks a lot man!! I really apreciate all the nice comments it really provides me with good motivation @Herr Pete
Great job as aƱways man! I love the color acheme pn your kroxigor! They look really awesome
Awesomeew cant wait to see this ones up!! Keep it up woog! Here have a spiderman :spiderman::spiderman::spiderman:
I got it feom "el tayer de Yila" dont know where it came originally from
I have no idea
This was an official games workshop email
Build an army with the my battle tool, could this mean some sort of point sistem?