Thanks man!! This helps a lot! How did you like the age of sigmar rules? @Ixt
I played a game of AoS yesturday and to my surprise it was really fun... All though I am not seeing it as a replacement for 8th (wich I like...
Magic items and costumisation of characters is gone Nooooi!!!:(
[ATTACH] Seraphon reptilian warriors that apera out of nowere to joint the battle against caos
I have allways been 100%pro games workshop even through the end times, but to me this next system is not looking too good. Dont get me wrong I...
1. Bring tetto 2. Two units of flyers 3. Leve the saurus home, bring skrox 4. Make it cowbow and coldone based With an army so movile and...
This is sooo awesome cant wait! Is it out yet?
I stand corrected!! You are right, we might be up for a pleasent surprise after all.
I am torn between this one too. On one hand it could be a name change and suport for the new format in qhich case that would be amayzing. On the...
Thanks guys I really apreciate the comments. Hahaha its all about patience it gets on my nerves sometimes and I have to stop @Pinktaco...
WORK IN PROGRESS ---------Stegadon Options----------- [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Almost done with this guys, only minor details left on the...
This is a really nice item! I always use it when doing old blood lists this is how I equiped them 1st -> dawnstone, armor of destiny, other...
The best one in the market in my opinion is TESTORS DULL COAT i tried a lot before I discovered this one and for me it has worked wonderfully!!
No worries man! He is part of the stegadon crew also as I magnetized him to either be on the stegadon or in the base with the kadon spell so he is...
Thanks guys! @woogity @NIGHTBRINGER i am happy with the result. Also I cant wait to finish my current proyects to start working on my set of...
Awesome those are really helpfull insights mate! Thanks
It's just a drybrushing with a couple of different tones. I have been playing with the idea of getting an airbrush and experimenting with it, how...
Tetto'Eko Finished with basing [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]