Hey so I was just thinking, Do u guys think we will be getting level 5 slanns and masdamundi? There seem to ve a lot of level 5s out there now...
Dude I back you up udually I am compleatly pro GW but this change in magic just seems really bad for us, after our book update, where our slann...
Hoo didnt noticed that! Your right might need to take to tweek it a bit but I still thibk u can fit four carnos in there :)
I know this is a not a good build and that armies with warmachines would have an auto win, but how cool would it be to bring this to the table....
Its just a platform that has all the minis (which you can costumize) dice and tools you would need for a warhammer game, but apart from that it...
Its a way to play warhammer games online with people arrownd the world when u dont have the chance to set up an actual game. It will necer be as...
is anybody interested in playing a game in universal battle? Let me know
I dont thibk this is the official GW model, it just looks like a conversion using the regular slann and tiktakto a nice conversion, but not the...
It seems that we are finally grtting some spot light! Masamundy will be getting a new model probably new rules and will be leading the war against...
Saurus Oldblood (266pts) Cold-blooded (AB-30), Predatory Fighter (AB-30), Scaly Skin (4+) (BRB-75) Cold One (30pts) (Fear (BRB-69), Thick-Skinned...
Old one with GW -cold one -armor of destiny -dawn stone -other teickster shard He is my faborite built up
So After the first book of the end of times I cant help to wander which role are the lizardmen going to play. Are they going to be the...
The answer is simple! Unless you want to field him for fluff or for fun Dont field him at all he is way to expensive for what he does, a beter...
Use gorrok he is a great scarbet for his points
Haha awesome!
When trying to go balance this is the list I use, i hope you can find some useful tips fron it +++ Sacred Host of Xlanax Lot (7.6) (2498pts) +++...
Sounds good! I would do the following changes. 1. For the oldblood i would equip him with armor of destiny dawnstone coldone and great weapon, I...
Completely agree with your reasonings specially the one about the cold one unit being too small. To fix this I was thinking modyfying the list to...
If you know who you will be figthing I would say it depends on the army you are fghting, but if you dont know definately go for HIGH MAGIC. And...
This list worked amayzingly well for me, however I recognize that lore of metal and doomdivers for example ( anithing that doesnt alow armour...