It honestly seems a bit high effort for an april fools' joke. Especially as there's no over the top claims, or any other silly business that are...
@NIGHTBRINGER @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Something you might care about given your predisposition towards certain short races.
That seems unlikely. Releasing entire models that cost an arm and a leg only to immeadiatly ban them is a stupid decision even by GW standards.......
I'd rather have a cheaper version. 2 wizards with a cheap, and relativly weak, incarnate seems easier to balance than 1 wizard with some super...
well turning All out Attack in an AoE-effect is interesting, as is the -1/+1 to cast. And I like that it can go rampant. But the fact it's a 400...
I think what bothers me is that while it is extremely niche, it is also extremely reliable when it is relevant. Creating a couple of scenario's...
Special rule review for the new DoK hero. Not sure how to feel about this one. On the one hand, it's relativly interesting as a rule & probably...
First look at the nighthaunt v.s. DoK box. Doesn't seem to bad, decent amount of units, shame the factions aren't interesting :p
I mean, they look nice enough, but there's been too many death releases lately and they're not that special either. Plus, they get released at the...
Maybe you've finally seen the light? One can only hope :p
well that's dissapointing, thought they'd pull ahead with the rend. But then all they really get is the 4 extra attacks from being a larger unit....
I blame @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl :P
Right, was under the impression it was more of a general "this unit isn't looking great"-discussion and less a "this ranged attack is...
@NIGHTBRINGER The dragon skull thing is a mix of monster, terrain & endless spell according to the description. It is in some way bound to a...
That is all assuming they have nothing else of significance aside from this one ranged attack.... In which case yeah, if this is supposed to be...
The difference though is that the actual human gunner doesn't want to be shot at. The ork thinks it adds to the fun. And this isn't one of the...
O I don't even like the orks that much. I just think that buggies don't really work all that well for the other factions. Orks can lean into the...
Skinks do like 0.1 damage against a 4+ save baseline (or less, maybe the 0.1 was against a save of -, can't remember right now) and they can still...
those flea things look awesome. The buggies less so. Not ork-ish enough.
Mwha, what's their pointcost and what else do they have? It's not the worst shooting profile out there. As some supporting fire, this seems like a...