Those boars look adorable.
Been a while since I painted; but here's some ogors. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Given that they did target kairos, and very explicitly mentioned the whole "we only look at what's populair in high win-rate lists" I'm guessing...
I think the underlying reason is their basic approach to creating this particular mechanic. They very explicitly mention that they're specificly...
In those cases killing the screens isn't the important bit. It's getting to whatever is behind them that is important. Let me explain it by...
The game represents battles. VP represent winning a battle, or at least getting an upperhand on the battlefield. By slaying the general,...
I'm not saying a Tzeentch list without pink horrors is unviable. I'm saying that Tzeentch doesn't really have any alternatives for the role Pink...
What's the alternative for Tzeentch though? Pink horrors is the only thing Tzeentch has that makes for a decent tarpit. It's not like you can do...
@Killer Angel just covered most of it. But to add some other points: It's the same stupid balancing approach Riot uses in LoL. Random marginal...
They do look rather awesome.
Eeeeh... having a Salamander be worth equally as much victory point as a Maw-Krusha seems like a bad idea no matter the circumstances. I get...
I mean, that'll always be the case, even if GW were saints. These are simply the people that spend the most money, period. To be honest I never...
I suppose there'll be individuals who can fall for it cuz they're fiscally irresponsble, lack impulse control etc. But, it isn't all that...
So GW just made you very happy.
It's also made out of wet tissue-paper, has very little offensive capabilities of its own & is limited to a relativly small bubble around the...
I meant as a theoretical excercise, what if the rule changes to "seraphon wizard". Would this help make saurus armies more viable as the minor...
Eh, kinda surprising, would've expected the chief to get shot out of the sky after one turn of extending Kroak's spells. I'm curious how much the...
Meh, its probably the large contrast. The big dino's are massive chunky guys, the foot troops are fairly small and spindly in comparison. I'm...
Another set of random old foes that comes with 0 discount and a random print. Khorne Slaanesh I guess they are effective for sales somehow,...
I mean, it's underworld, doesn't need to be a new faction. On the other hand, it being "exiled" it might be the first foray into an undead...