I mean this is the same nonsense as congalines isn't it? It's just as stupid a formation and doesn't actually make a whole lot of sense...
God-like entities should never have been playeable models. There's simply no way to balance them properly without breaking the lore to some extend.
Permanent mechanics are generally more interesting, than 1-use abilities. If you want a 1-use ability to be fun they'll need to be quite...
I mean sure, a small buff is still a buff. But something as insignificant as a single free generic command ability over the course of an entire...
Does soulblight actualy have proper faction terrain? Aren't those just tokens?
meh, battalions in AoS 3 aren't particularly exciting anyway so at least we're not missing out on much :p Does make me wonder though why certain...
Pretty much yeah. It gives them an absolutly massive advantage in minor skirmishes like that.
O yeah, it's super fluffy. In that sense the rule is perfect and I'd love to see more of it. It just needs something to prevent the weird...
The point is that a single nurgling model shouldn't be capable of doing this to begin with in any situation ever. It should be a 0% chance period....
If you look at this on something big like say an unclean one, it is indeed rather meh. But stick it on some cheap MSU screen and it becomes...
ah misread it as "drop by one" sorry Not sure if it makes much of a difference though, keeping it at 4-ish points should not still not be...
yeah, that's my main concern, it stacks up very quickly, a single unit of cannonfodder like nurglings can easily get 3-4 points of disease on...
Nurgle is going to be spreading desease, which seems like a reasonably interesting mechanic. Though the amount of counterplay seems rather...
There's still weeks left, you can do it. Just skip work and ignore your family during the holidays :p
I'l try some other pictures tomorow if we have some better light. I did take some others but they were even worse in this light. The...
finally painted something again, a chaos sorceror. Don't mind the shitty picture quality, winter means there's basicly no light in my appartement,...
Sounds logical.
Didn't they just releasea bunch of ring wraith related stuff? And in fairness, LOTR doesn't do all that much with it's fantasy aspect to begin...
o neat, been a while since they had something major. Makes me want to try them again.
meh.. if only it wasn't a mobile-first app with all the horrible consequences that has for UI and readability... the pdfs were/are so much nicer...