SAURUS WARRIORS II / GUERREROS SAURIOS II Drake 1 (Salamander / Razordon) Drake 2 (Salamander /...
GYROSCOPICS / GIROSCOPIOS For engine of the gods [ATTACH] [IMG] The only thing that these gyroscopes could possibly lack are textures and designs...
SAURUS WARRIORS / GUERREROS SAURIOS I share with you the collection of saurian warriors that I could find. Beginning with the Kroxigor of...
CRÁNEOS III / SKULLS III Cráneos humanos / Human skulls Cráneo humano / Human skull...
CRÁNEOS II / SKULLS II Skaven 1 (rat skull) Skaven 2 (rat skull)...
Well, I leave it as a challenge. Who is interested in the challenge... But really would be very useful.
Challenge N*1 Artifact of healing. Anyone is encouraged to design this in 3D, to use it in the GW Bastiladons? [ATTACH] Alguno se anima a diseñar...
Continuing with the theme of skeletons, I bring skulls to use in their dioramas. - Continuando con la temática de esqueletos, les traigo cráneos...
For you... T-Rex Skeleton / Esqueleto de T-Rex
MISCELLANEOUS DECORATION I upload some images that I had already shared, but this time I add images, which I did not know how to add them before....
Ahhh great, I had not seen it
Your welcome, your files are really excellent, I'm honestly hoping you'll do more hahaha... it's just weird, I've never found your files in...
If you find it, share it, it would be useful ;)
BEAST AND ANIMALS II / BESTIAS Y ANIMALES II Here I leave more beasts to use and perform conversions. The Kukulkan was my favorite, maybe I did...
Your welcome, what you manage to print, share it in that post ;) And if you get other items, please, also share them, so we can all use them.
Here in my post maybe you can find some items to print in 3D.
Here in my post maybe you can find some items to print in 3D. -
Here in my post maybe you can find some items to print in 3D. And maybe you can also contribute something. ;)...
Nobody thought of reproducing or cloning woogity figures, since they do not get any more?