Idoneth is a good counter to all of the top armies at the moment and has always been strong in the right players hand. This is a weird chart and...
To answer your extra question, melee attacks don't require LOS. So if it's in range of the melee weapons, it can be attacked.
that's fair man, don't let it get you down! If you're playing in a casual setting its also no harm in asking your opponent to tone down his list....
haha it'll be okay dude i promise. Seraphon are easily a stronger army than lumineth, and i'd argue lumineth are more irritating than they are OP....
Lumineth do well into seraphon, but losing kroak to 19 shots is INSANE luck on his end. Even getting 7 mortals from 19 attacks is above average,...
5 of these guys should almost never be getting into combat with your heroes unless you've already lost the game. Yeah, but why would you ever do...
Exactly. These guys will do nothing. I dont even think you gotta really worry about the horde killer attacks cause its just so easy to mitigate...
considering the current cost of lumineth units and the way that GW often prices rend, these guys are going to cost an arm and a leg. I dont...
biggest thing that helped me get better was understanding threat ranges (and always keeping them in mind) and being patient. It's a 5 turn game,...
could be underworlds related as well.
6'' activation and pile in is the single best tech in the game and i will die on that sword. It functionally gives you run and charge (because you...
Yes, but he's posting it as rend -3 so i'm assuming he's rolling the starseer spell up into that.
Fusil isn't actually an attack so you can't run and charge after it. the extra rend you're adding to everything, is that assuming the starseer...
I don't think it's fair to make the assumption that i highlighted. You're jumping to too many conclusions and using too many faulty assumptions...
Totally, no disrespect to the math done previously. I know we were working under different assumptions at the time. I was just using damage as...
Apparently 40k apoc does something where all the damage is basically "held" until the end of the battle round. It's an interesting solution. I...
That example was heavily slanted in the favor of the palladors. We were using waves of 10 saurus receiving the charge. It doesn't get worse for us...
I'm specifically asking about what's basing your judgement of seraphon on, not your judgement of the listbot model. I have no qualms with your...
It takes a lot more effort than just blindly bashing shit or throwing out opinions with little to no supporting information. If you can make the...
I brought it up as an argument against the idea that seraphon are NPE because their warscrolls problematically rely on buffs for power. Which...