Except that's not exactly what's going on here, is it? I never said it was the end all be all of all warhammer data. I tried to specifically...
edit: feels like a lot of criticism thats largely unsubstantiated.
Eh, still feel like you're being unnecessarily harsh. An efficient bad unit is still bad... but it is also efficient. So if you're judging...
Thats pretty wild. Some great games in there.
Feel like that's being unnecessarily harsh to the work put in to this. Is it the end all be all? Of course not, there's admitted problems...
I'd also run celestial harmony on your starseer instead of fiery convocation. It's not as useful in your list, but it'll be helpful on the unit of...
I think teleports are a much larger issue than shooting, personally. Shooting wasn't a problem for significant portions of AoS lifespan, so i...
Personally, when I'm playing coalesced I like to run my chamos in min units. 3 units of 5 gives you a lot more flexibility.
Yeah, but that doesn't take into account the melee damage. Sallies biggest strength is being able to shoot one unit and charge another (or the...
My apologies then. The thread of comments made it seem like you were reading the warhammer community article that erroneously said we could do it...
We've literally never been able to cast endless spells through a vassal. It was an faq when malign sorcery originally came out. I don't know why...
Yeah its kind of LRLs "thing" and it's not my favorite lol. But the models are pointed around doing that and don't really do a ton of damage...
If not being able to cast an endless spell through a vassal is something that stopped you from enjoying endless spells i dont know what to tell...
Boltspitters and shields is the "easy" answer. There's definitely an argument for clubs, I however don't feel the need to double down on damage in...
I think a lot of NPE comes down to something being non-interactive. Gristlegore double attacking before you could swing, slaanesh essentially...
I'm also playing in it! Good luck man, would be awesome to get a chance to play!! It's my first tournament not taking seraphon lol
We might have to agree to disagree on that one lol. I'm personally not a fan compared to what else you can spend your points on. I just dont think...
Sounds fun to play, but doomfire warlocks are not great. Feels like that's a ton of tax to be lowish drop and you lose out on so much of what...
Biggest thing with blights is they need to be strung all out to maintain range of their buffs so you can pin them and use your teleport (assuming...
It's a pretty standard fangs of sotek list. I'm not personally fond of terradons just because i struggle to use them effectively and prefer other...