What battalion is that? Shadow patrol? Teleporting harpies is pretty nasty. Not sure how you make a list a two drop with it tho, it seems pretty...
The biggest problem with skinks is how well they take buffs. Bigger units make buffs better. So you make the unit smaller. It also ensures...
Skinks are now cheaper and have massive access to buffs. It's not an apples to apples comparison.
Love it
on what? Was it in the last book? edit: it's on the endless spell. That's fair, i was thinking about unit abilities and hadn't considered endless...
Slaanesh literally had their first strike mechanic removed. i'd consider that at least somewhat within the realm of "seems to be moving away from...
Agreed, but no more activation wars plz. I'm actually pretty happy GW seems to be moving away from them. I like the idea of some kind of "blood...
No problem. i'd start with skinks honestly. Unless you're firm on using the saurus side of the book, more skinks is always a useful buy.
Sounds like your bigges tissue is just lack of battleline troops. It's going to be hard to put a 2k point list together if all your battleline is...
I"m not as familiar with MTG anymore, but i believe they stated it wouldn't be standard legal. They are going to be prebuilt commander decks from...
They do not both disappear. They essentially can't "run into one another." Endless spells have fly, and you can't "land" a model on top of another...
sorry, thats my bad i should have posted. It's in the malign sorcery faq. Basically says you can't do anything to increase the range of endless...
If you feel that way, then sure man. I just don't know if its necessarily a fair way to look at the game. As i said, given the specific parameters...
Hm, yeah i guess i just assumed that was part of the game. You accept losses in some places to win in more strategic places elsewhere. The...
You can't cast endless spells through the vassal.
Okay, fair enough. Then I guess I'm still not sure why the question you're asking needs answered. More specifically, why does this question need...
Will strategy and deployment stop an enemy from trying to flank? No. But flanking isn't a win condition. Killing stuff isn't either. Let's say...
I think you make a lot of really great points here. Your analysis of the differences between what you are looking for and what i'm looking for is...
I gotta hear how those games go, that sounds incredible. Haha, its honestly a pretty interesting idea. If i ever get up the courage to try it...
No worries at all. Most kotet lists rely pretty heavily on their shrines and sorc lord to hit that 2+ rerollable save space. It's a very buff...