I've finally got around to working out the Saurian version of my name, which is entirely linked to my unwritten spawning story. Reikspiel = Bob -...
This is why the master of the indices developed a facial tic. Cavalry in with the Saurus, I'll change the title. Sea monsters for "other...
Wrt to a gallery of conversions - some conversions are of LM models into something else, some are something elses made to look like they belong in...
Skink handler goad spears catch people's eyes. Shall I get one of those? But that makes it hard for them to read afterwards. Catch 22 :(
So, if I threatened you with a spear AND a hand weapon, would you post something?
That content is good for an introduction to the game banner (plenty of keywords) We will also need titles for link buttons with one line...
Of course you do. It is your hat.
So, you do art. Now you must Art Comp
This ain't no top hat, pilgrim.
Fun fact: I tried to set up a dummy account using a palindrome of my name, but the forum software wouldn't accept "username: spawning of boB" for...
Did anyone hear a sstrange voice? Me neither.
That's a fine looking avatar you have there, Gnord. Do you art?
Well played, sir. I wonder if Te'to's image should go to "epic scene" and Huintzi the potter should go here. And put your knight into "lesser...
The Old Ones came and terraformed the mahrlect out of the world when it was an ice world dominated by dragons, fimir and shaggoths (I think). The...
Pun names, oh pun names, where have you been? Now messily slay the unfaithful!
Heresy! < Blam >
Don't put down the hand weapons and spears just yet, brothers.
I'm reserving this post, just in case I end up with something useful to say.
My vacuum cleaner is a Kirby. I hear and obey, master. Thanks Rikard for your waterlogged analysis. I have one complaint about it, though - You...
We Honour the Old One Aartzifartzi with sacrifices of fresh art. Will he / she / it be pleased with your offering? The theme for the competition...