You don't want to do that, son. Take this hand weapon...
Oh, um, Themes. I was planning to line themes up with the story comps for maximum time and inspiration. We can review that any time, and if the...
Oh, I don't know. I kind of lost interest when I saw I wasn't going to win. Yay Warden, congratulations on your victory. For your prize you...
One forumnite with two accounts? Such is the villainy of Skaven and similarly depraved individuals!
[SPOILER] It has been scientifically proven that excessive banter unrelated to short story competitions may cause cancer in rats. Given that...
The Old One, Holy Aartzifartzi, requires the sacrifice of fresh art but only if it is organised. This thread is for discussing the arrangement of...
The Old One, Holy Aartzifartzi, requires the sacrifice of fresh art. Any medium, of any standard is acceptable to the Great One. Post your...
Ah, memories. Exactly one year to the day that Textizards started. Since then I have updated my desktop, and it won't do ASCII codes any more ;(
Hi guys, I am giving the Temple of Aartzifartzi a quick clean up, and making a few more altars for offerings. If your miscellaneous critter art...
8 hours to go. With 34 voters so far, only one vote separates the top contenders, @Warden and @Hyperborean . If you haven't voted already, you...
Thanks Bowser, Good concept draft. You also bring up the point that @The Red Devil doesn't have an Itza gallery of fine arts for conversions....
Let the chosen be elevated, one for every three who bring offerings (rounded down). The High Priest of Accou'itanxsi has spoken.
I could have done 2, but, rules :(
Not compete with - dominate the universe with. Everyone is a winner. Except Skaven of course, but hey, Sotek needs sacrifices.
The Spawning of Bob proofreading service is available - I get to read more stories sooner that way.
Dude! Proof read your posts! Bonus points to anyone who writes a story based on the temple city of Chicken Itza.
I live in a sub tropical area (Brisbane) The remaining shreds of rainforest in my local area cling to the tops of low, ex volcanic mountain...