There is a practical benefit from not voting for oneself as well. We haven't had a comp yet that I didn't want at least one extra vote to...
I've got the best side of this deal :) you'll be expending a lot more effort than me.
Possible near compliment acknowledged, and read "Night Watch" - it is a very good mystery, police procedural and political thriller, the Pratchett...
I am very possessive about eggshells.
I like rats. They are cute, and their natural behaviours are funny-endearing. They are good-efficient parents, and they benefit from and enjoy...
Just write stories and post them @pendrake - there is no forum rule against non-competition stories! Just don't forget the ideas or we are all...
< awkward silence > You'll notice this thread goes in fits and starts. I get inspiration for a bit, then I don't. I try not to force anything...
No shame in any of the places - even the simplest images have a great depth and humour about them. 3 votes separate the top three entries. 48...
Only just caught up. So excited! So confused! You should draw more hands!
Are we still talking about this? Cool. So many ideas - enjoyed my third read. Yep, go post it on U-E story tunnels. I've got something to post...
I'm sure I have patented both of those assets, @Calypso. If you get a chance to edit your post on a PC, I think you can copy / paste the images...
I like all of them but... Troglodon belongs here.
Just like I was gobsmacked buy @pendrake doing perspective on his first sketch, now I am floored by you getting deep shadows done on your first...
Yes, thanks for keeping the hype up on the art comp thread when I didn't have time to. If we subtract the number of posts you did, and the number...
I think I get it - a flashy page which links back to the L-O subforum of relevance. The word content could be a straight lift / very similar to...
@Sealterbloind - best to keep it platonic. A kiss could lead to serious injuries on both sides.
I'm not sure I want a "Harpy" hug from anyone... Fist bump, maybe? Welcome anyway. Don't forget to check out the art and fiction competitions...
I only searched your character fluff to check the spelling - I remember Itza's spawning very well. You really should combine your fluff...
Do I sense a bit of cross-promotion occurring?
That is cheating. You can't name and caption your own art.