I demand that you reprioritise and make the Golden Snark trophy instead. I would vote for it, and we can use the image to grace all of the...
@Phoedinn , the thing you are referring to is an orrery (or armillary sphere) You could rip an image off the web and superimpose your mighty...
But it wasn't that he was likeable. It was that he liked us so volubly. Maybe he can be rehabilitated? We are many lizards from many places...
3/4 of you is likeable. But then there is thedarkfourth.
Where did I put my red pen?
If you don't get your tablet on time, you miss the comp deadline. If @Crowsfoot doesn't get his tablet on time, his feet swell up.
Lord Aartzifartzi's patience is not boundless. You better be done before he finishes his sulk about the Coming of Chaos.
@Bowser and @NIGHTBRINGER . Canadian Retro-grouches.
Do you wanna bet?
OK lizards, I think I have received 8 entries which means that there should be at least a few more judging by interest in the thread (ie. More...
But you didn't say it was home delivered.
I really enjoy older scifi books with cover art that doesn't quite match the content of the book - Anne McCaffrey's Dragon Rider Books spring to...
That's the thing. It was meant to be a slightly-too-late-to-be-topical-parody of GW and AoS using the otherwise idle parody characters as a...
Ooh. The battle is still going? [SPOILER] Those are very industrious rats - weaponising and delivering anti-sparkleTM in a very fast time frame :)
Phew. You missed all of the errors I am about to go back and edit.
Completely Anonymous in the Unnatural Realm “Well, after recovering the Eggshell of Invulnerability and dealing with “The One Theme”, what should...
I was inspired by Scalenex's inspired Unauthorized Spawning of Bob Parody to finally release the next piece: Completely Anonymous in the...
I haven't had a chance for thoughtful rereading until now. (OK @Slanputin . It is a thougtful rerereading) but it is worth commenting given...
I am hosting the Best Eva L-O art comp soon, and have never done a poll before. So should I...