If you like the style of game, then yes, pick up the first one. Pick up both, just so you can combine them. Actually, playing through the first...
Looking forward to this. I will probably buy it as soon as it comes up for pre-order. I bought the first one and am still enjoying it. I cannot...
Not sure when I can post more pictures. I haven't painted at all this week and probably won't do more until Monday. I have the first of my...
After some quick online research, apparently "fairy power spray" has the same active ingredient. Beyond that, I can't help. I can give a lot of...
You might try Simple Green or Crystal Green. I've used a similar product in the US and had pretty good results. Let the minis sit in the solution...
Total War: Warhammer is fun. I keep going back to it myself. I mostly play the evil races, but enjoy all of them.
Thanks for the complement on the Phoenix. I am not sure on that technique. I don't want to get paint on my model. Instead, I'm probably going to...
Actually, the Carnosaur is based. I was aiming at a night sky look to fit with the Seraphon "summoned from the stars" theme.
I love the mumakil. Painting and converting cheap plastic models is always fun.
Nice work. I like what you're doing with your bases. I have never been able to anywhere beyond the basic "drybrush the sand."
And now some Seraphon for your viewing pleasure. Scar Vet on Carnosaur. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] And Gor Rok the White Lizard, AKA a...
[ATTACH] Also, just for fun, here is an older model (both in terms of when it was produced and how long I've had it finished) that will probably...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Here is the completed Phoenix. I haven't based it yet, but other than that it's done being painted.
I hear that. I don't have anywhere near enough time to play these days. It's a great day when I manage to get my models on the table.
Yeah, paint them up and use them as a lender army or an alternate. Also, give him a couple years, he may come back around to it.
It looks good for 1000 pts. Having your stuff multibase or the wrong bases is tough. Long term, I might switch out the guard for warriors in...
The armies I've collected, am planning on collecting, etc.? That's a long list, mostly Warhammer 40k and Fantasy. I started with Tyranids and...
And the bottom one, of course, is from the old General's Compendium, the 6th ed. era "How to run a campaign" book. I have a copy somewhere in my...
I ended up buying a box of Caesar Foot Knights yesterday, they're on their way, should be here next week. Also, I started paint blog (Padre's...
Ok, the beginnings of my Basilean army for Kings of War. I bought an eagle at Target for $3.50. It's a bit of a soft plastic and I'm not convinced...