And a couple chimeras for the Cultists to ride in. [ATTACH]
My family thought it was hilarious when I brought a white elephant to a white elephant gift exchange. [ATTACH]
To get started, here are some Genestealer Cultists I painted up a few months ago.
Creating a thread to post my WiP on a variety of projects, Lizardmen and otherwise. I normally aim for a decent tabletop standard as I don't have...
For me, it depends on the project. Smaller projects are fine with wargaming paints, but for large areas, I'd try to use cheaper acrylics. Hobby...
I haven't bought any troops yet, but I picked up a hero and an eagle to paint up as a phoenix. Not sure on the sculpt, but I'll paint it up and...
Hmm. I misread that, then. Sorry.
Just a quick note on the list. You don't have enough units for the state troops detatchment. I'd probably replace it with either a hellblaster...
With some quick online research, it looks like the Italeri Crusaders average 23.5 mm. Actually, they might be a better choice than the Perry...
I appreciate the heads up. Actually, I should probably test some lists out before I commit to buying anything. Maybe push models and movement...
Both options look good. I'd seen the Perry miniatures before, but not the Caesar or Italeri. I like the Italeri. $14 per box from Amazon isn't bad...
I keep telling myself that I need to do a KoW army. I have my eye on a Basilean army, but am trying to figure out a way to do it on the cheap.
Yes. Handgunners are always battleline. They are close to my favorite battleline units in the entire faction. Stand and shoot is an insanely...
Here is what I'm running at 2000 for Freeguild. I'll have to give some thought to how a good mixed force would work. The second list looks fun,...
Biggest issue I see here is that the free guild general can't buff the hurricanum or the hellstorm rocket battery. The key words are wrong. And,...
Not sure on the boltspitters, but that is annoying. On the Orruks, yes, that is a result of the switch from WHFB to AoS. The Arrer Boys are the...
Not going to comnent on the usage of skinks, etc, but in answer to your question about the boxes of 24, it's a relic of previous editions of the...
Not sure if we have anything we can handle it, but massed numbers often will help mitigate massed mortal wounds. When you only have ten models in...
It more depends on your needs, neither is really better. The Oldblood has slighty higher damage output and a ranged attack, but less defense and...
Good question and one we probably need to keep going back to. FYI, I am a fairly experienced gamer, playing a lot of 8th and some 6th and 7th...