I guess it depends on your definition of elite. Free People handgunners and halbrediers are both -1 rend. So are Orruk choppas, both regular and...
Either will work. Maybe you can try both out on different models and see which you prefer. It won't be that difficult to repaint the one you don't...
Fifth through seventh edition Warhammer Fantasy Lizardmen army books had some paint scheme suggestions that you can base your scheme off of. If...
If you're only playing with your GF for now, you can get away with not glueing the arms on until you've playtested which you prefer. You could...
YMMV, but I always paint most of my models before I glue the shields on. Also, make sure you know whether you want hand weapon or spear before you...
Good idea, Bowser. Thanks. As schedule changes (and negotiations with my wife) mean I actually can go, I have to finalize my list. Based on the...
Depending on who you are playing with, you can get away with just declaring "This one is my Scar Vet on Cold One." However, I'd still find a way...
A couple thoughts come to mind. First, as was mentioned above, krox put out a huge number of attacks, particularly the moonhammer. Second, a big...
For me, it depends on the faction and the unit involved. All three methods work in different situations. When I use my old Empire army, I tend to...
This looks like a fun list, but it really relies on luck with needing to hit 6s to do the mortal wounds. You really need to strike first, hit the...
A couple thoughts. First, you might want to try using a Scar Vet or Oldblood on a Carnosaur. They might have the damage output to take her out or...
The local GW store is having a tournament in a couple weeks, so I'm building lists. Not sure if I'm going to make it due to RL issues, but I'm...
I'm using my Oldblood on foot as my general in my Bloodclaw Starhost.
Honestly, either one is fine and a worthwhile unit to have. Which one you need depends on your army and your playstyle. The Oldblood gives a...
I just figure the extra bits are part of the price of modeling. I don't really mind. I've used some of those bits in some pretty odd places over...
I think it was the spider that threw things off for you, as the spell buffs and debuffs would probably equal out. The two units have the same...
Looking good!!! I remember that building it was a lot of fun, but I think I've repressed any memories of painting the details. It's been over five...
I think the Slaan pricing is fine. As Killer Angel noted, you get a lot for the points. I also like the 3" range on his lightning attack.
I went over to the local GW store to try to get a game after work today. No one was playing. Oh, well. Hopefully my gaming group will want to play...
As an aid to list building, I sat down and did some point calculations for our Starhosts. My primary focus on this was to figure the minimum...