This actually looks like a list I'd be willing to try. I was trying to come up with a similar list, but I was using more Saurus Knights. I think...
The Scar Vet will last much longer for the sole reason that he ignores all -1 rends, so he gets his full save. In some ways, it's the same trade...
Scar vet is more defensive. He had a shield while the Old Blood doesn't.
I saw the book for a couple minutes last night. I don't remember Oxyotl's points (100-ish?) but the Skink Chief was 60, IIRC.
Depends on the situation. I will probably run Seraphon almost exclusively, but it might be fun to run a free peoples gunline backed by Seraphon...
Is anyone going to be participating in the summer campaign? I'm considering it, but not sure, mostly due to limited gaming time. The story is up...
I picked it up months ago on preorder and dipped my toe into it over the last week. (Why does work have to get in the way of my playtime. :-) )...
I have been looking at the Reaper Bones Fire Elementals for mine. They seem fairly high quality for the price.
My own take on color scheme is to just use what you have. Remember that blue flames exist in nature, so your blue lizardmen are still...
Dice will do that. Best advice I can give you, beyond what has already been given, is charge it before it charges you. Get your attacks in before...
Oldblood on a Carnosaur can one shot it with average dice rolls. The first time I faced one, I killed it, but it took two tries. I botched the...
Both are good armies. It's going to come down to two things, probably. Which models do you prefer? And, do you prefer Headstrong or Iron Resolve?
I've seen them. But I don't have money to buy anything else. Or time to paint them. And room in the man cave for them.
There are a few rumors about them releasing models for some of them. The podcast at Adepticon mentioned that the next three are going to be...
Right now, I'm using what I have, mostly my leftover WHFB armies. I can run Salamander, Kingdoms of Men, Ratkin, and Basilea, and small Dwarf,...
FWIW, Gargant seems to be their new name for giants. I expect a Chaos Gargant to be an updated chaos giant.
If I ever converted this, I'd use the Plague Furnace.
I put Miley Saurus in my massive Saurus unit and they absolutely stomped everything they touched. You might say they came in like a wrecking ball.
Got it. I was thinking of only the ones in the new Battletome.
I think you only need three. By my reading, the Eternal Starhost uses Guard, not Warriors. I don't think there is any overlap.