When I say mass I mean like 90-120 of them. I have all these warriors on square bases from fantasy and I've recently developed a love of the...
The Eternal Starhost is a very match dependent battalion. If you face a straight up army you will do great. If you face tzeench or stormcast you...
A while back my local store had a copy of the Guardians of the Deepwood warhammer fantasy Christmas box set. I nabbed it. Came with 3 treeman kits...
I've finished Fall. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] And a group shot. [ATTACH]
Good point. I'd also rather have it heal d3+1 wounds every turn as well. I'll take the stone on the engine. Thanks!
Haha thats ok. Im kit bashing all of these to make them unique so I expect people to have ones they prefer over others. I tried to make Summer...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Just finished building Summer tonight. And here are the two brothers together. I think gameplay wise these two will...
At end of the month is a 2000 point tournament. This is the list I am thinking of taking. Any advice is appreciated. Allegiance: Order Slann...
Did the pics work for anyone else? I can see them myself
The idea I have is that there will be one son for each season. Spring will have this samurai/leader thing going with a sword and scabbard. Very...
So work is settling down and I'm able to start playing again. Joined a slow grow league and decided to add Sylvaneth friends to my collection. I...
I'm looking forward to going full AVATAR on them and eating them with my rippers.
Drakesworn Templar Drakesworn Templar Drakesworn Templar Skink Starseer 10xSkinks 10xSkinks 10xSkinks Drakesworn Temple Battalion What do you...
You could always take a star drake and eat the guy that annoys you.
@darren watson I think if I was to play your style of list I would go super greedy with it, running everything you did plus an engine of the...
I think warhammer Wednesday on twitch will have them this week.
The tournaments at my locals do not roll for terrain abilities and do not have special terrain other than the ones you pay points for like the...
Rd 5 coverage against Chaos Live on Twitch.tv here https://www.twitch.tv/warhammer Seraphon player is using Kroak! The List that Ive been able...
The sad part is I don't think it would be as overpowered as it looks on paper. Almost everyone has acces to 2+ And 3+ armor saves and some even...
I was thinking about this the other day but Lizardmen have kind of lost some of their fluffy playstyle in the transition to AOS. They are supposed...