I'm hoping that it doesn't get touched whenever we get our new book. It's really good.
I play a lot of bloodclaw battalion. These lists are usually wizardless but sometimes run a priest and a starpriest. But basically you use your...
I would argue that Seraphon isn't underpowered, it's just fragile. It's a buff army. You don't have things that are amazing in a vacuum and you...
That's great info thank you!
Sorry if this has been asked before but does anyone have the size dimensions for the Dread Saurian? I'm thinking of making my own out of spare...
Finished the tournament going 2-1. 2 major victories and 1 minor loss. Minor loss was the result of a mistake on my part so I'm pretty upset with...
Im committed to running 4 carnos and lots of knights for this tournament at least,( I bought some knights to fill it out and want to justify the...
I'd go with a warspear if you think you will play Sylvaneth or other high armor armies. Need something with a high Number of rend attacks to deal...
Ive always played it that way as well, but thats mostly out of a sense of community and not wanting to lose friends. But I wanted to ask if there...
That reminded me, does anyone know if they made an official ruling on multiple blood roars triggering multiple times? Because of how it is worded...
@Aginor. The only thing I would add is the old bloods command ability to add two to the attack stat of a weapon. This plus the poison staff would...
Haha thanks guys. I'm looking forward to it. I'm planning on using my original list with the starpriest for the poison staff and starlight spell....
Im nowhere near painted but here is the army on a table just to give you an idea of how it would look. [img] Oh and Im taking it to a tournament...
I think I like this approach to summoning the most. Games will only last 2-3 turns usually so you only have a couple chances to summon. Keeping...
I was giddy when you stole that objective at the end with your chameleon skinks. Great job.
I'd recommend the flame throwers on your steg. It's always handy to have more anti horde
the power level in grand alliance lists is silly. My locals was talking about maybe starting to run tournaments where you have to stay in faction...
I hope they cut back on magic to be honest. As a long time Fantasy player magic is part of what killed that game. Rank and file turned some people...
Question, is tenhenauin still legal? If he is you could potential do a bloodclaw list like this and just use the carnos to buff each unit of...
Welcome to the forums Gradeaal! I'm glad everyone is as giddy and laughing with Joy as I am. I'm totally reverting to a 5 year old whenever I...