Welcome to the land of square-base! Take a gander through the army list section to get some typical army build ideas. Just remember that the rules...
Literal lol from that one. Has anyone considered the opposite? What LM troops would you bring as Mercs for a different army? I can imagine a...
Looks like a pretty solid list to me. I haven't used the Trog at all yet and I hear a lot of bashing coming his way, but hopefully you can use his...
Haha, I should have posted that instead. Instilling false hope to our comminuty, oh man. Bookmarking that idea for next year. We'll have to rope...
Hehe, yeah you got me. Glad I pranked at elast one person though :smug: My lizards ain't goin' no-wherr. Happy April Fool's Day everyone!!! Now...
Pretty sure I'm going to quit and sell all my models. I haven't won a single game since the new book came out. And I'm super frustrated with all...
That's a pretty viable list idea. The problem is that Stegadons will take up half of your army points, so you wont really have much leftover for...
Your list is actually pretty good. I think you'll be good against most armies with that. The Egg is usually put on a Skink Chief + Ripperdactyl....
Looks like a fun list! Make sure you use the Skinks to your advantage. Screen in all the right places but don't block your own charge paths. Those...
I'm afraid of the $$$. The price of our new Carno is a bit extreme. Can't imagine the price tag associated with this beasty.
Welcome to the forum! We'll do our best to cleanse you of any silly 40K rules. Techincally the Lizardmen are a race from the future... And...
Welcome back to the land of the living! Scalenex must have had his grimy hands in this somehow... Raising dead Skinks and whatnot.
Welcome to the forum... I think? Haha. As to your concerns, the old models still get used pretty frequently. There are several good conversion...
I think we can reset your password somehow...
Please submit your feedback for the Skinkathalon competition. There are no bad suggestions!! Tell me... What worked? What didn't work? What...
Hello everyone. This thread is to determine the forum favorite of the selected winners. From the entries chosen by the judges, it is up to the...
Re: THE SKINKATHALON Results are in! Open Category: Winner - neveroddoreven with this lovely Skink Priest entry: Metzlihuantec [attach]...
Re: THE SKINKATHALON Agreed. But that's why we're having test runs :smug: I'll give the last judge a little more time to get his votes in....
Welcome to L-O! Glad you found your way here from The Wastes. If your big thing is tactics, you should PM Scalenex if you have any questions. He...
Welcome to the site! There are quite a few other barbarians that visit these boards as well, so I'm sure you'll fit in just fine. I think a few...