Welcome to L-O! I think I lurked for about 2 months before I signed up as well. But look at me now! Still giving bad advice, selling dice that Bob...
Re: Premature 9th speculations Anymore hearsay/heresy about 9th combining army books? I recall reading that at one point.
Def can skip on the book. It's basically just a waste of money. Just stay logged on to L-O during your games to ask questions. Much cheaper...
I dunno man. It's a slippery slope once you venture out of Lustria. First it's unfaithful state troops, next it's mercenary Ogres, before you know...
Gobbos <3 Spiders
Oooh, that's nice. Gonna have to try that. I guess the main thing is that either glue has to dry or paint has to dry. You're waiting either way.
"On these shields, boys!!" Haha. This army... will be... a NIGHTMARE!!! (for you, lol) I have some good points that I'll get to, but read through...
Looks like a fun list! Love the thought you've put into their names :smug: Shadow definitely takes a tactful magician to play right sometimes,...
Well I don't have my book on me to check the points, but here are my impressions of your presented list. You have too many points invested in...
Lizards >> Stunties. I think it's scientifically proven. Welcome to the site!
What does TAC mean? My first impression is that you're a little lean on bodies for a 2500 point game. I'd definitely take the Spear Saurus and...
EDIT: Ignore this please. n00b mistake.
Yeah, unfortunately the easier it is the worse it looks. If you really want you can just paint it the color you want it to be. Simple as that....
So wish I could attend this. Maybe next year... :meh:
Also remember the Combat Reform. If the flanked unit is lucky enough to stick around after a beating, it can turn to face the immediate threat.
Ok guys and gals, all the spare dice are spoken for. I'll send out PMs to those who are still on the list, but the rest of you who are just...
Well if you're playing 6th.... Make a Southlands list! Flip to the back of the book and check out the rules for one. You can keep your Skink...
Maybe it's overkill to the OP, but I usually run... 3 blocks!! One HW&S, one Spears, one TG. If I'm going for a typical list, that's where I...
Great! The Old Ones blessed your dice apparently. I did pretty terrible in my last tourney with custom dice, haha. Yes, there are plans for a...
Welcome to the site! Sounds like you started off with the box set, yeah? I'm sure in your time here you'll come to love killing both Skaven and...