Aww, ok. It was a fun thought at least :smug:
Well.... technically the "General" of your army is always the model with the highest leadership. Don't have my book on me, but I am almost...
I usually always run units of 24 when I'm under 3k. Never had a major issue with it. In smaller games, say 1500 or less, I'll take 20. To be...
I was planning on doing another forum-wide order later this year, so if you'd like to you can jump in on it then. If you're wanting to order your...
Re: 3200 points, my plan to break in the custom dice with FI I like it :smug: Too bad we don't have the Burning Blade of Chotec anymore. It...
Wow. That carno head is amazing. Your paint schemes are awesome. Just wow. Good job.
Very excited for Steps 5 and 7. Just need to get me some sticky paper...
Forum names are more like guidelines... jk, jk. Yeah, it's hard not to derail with the new book being out and no FAQ to go off. I think most...
I'm surprised I didn't see this sooner! I love it! I'd very much like to see the model that goes with it too. Comments on his rules: I think a...
Are you planning on putting the Slann in the Saurus unit, or running him solo? If you're going solo I'd try to make him ethereal. That's a pretty...
Yeah, Teddy is right. Our book specifically says that you use the Leadership of the monster. The Cauldron Ld 0 and Treason of Tzeentch thing...
Re: Dice Order: In the mail... Yay for more dice! I suspect all the dice should be delivered by now. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that...
Love the idea! I laughed my way through the list, haha. As for implementation of achievements, I'm a little torn. I've been playing since 5th, so...
Welcome to L-O!! Hope you are finding your stay nice and cozy. Pretty good community here. Arkansas is usually where people think I'm from when...
Re: Dice Order: In the mail... Woo! Dice are rrrrollin'!! So there are still 20 people that I haven't heard back from yet. I'm assuming most of...
I'd say that it seems like overkill. The ETC is supposed to level the playing field, whereas the Swedish Comp is to reward you for making an...
Re: challenge of the week! Perhaps make it a Challenge of the Month? Dunno about you guys, but sometimes I have to schedule games a couple weeks...
Re: Dice Order: In the mail... Whew!! I was starting to get worried that you Aussies were forgotten by Santa...
Looks like a tough list. I'd like to see some more gear on your Slann, like a BSB or some more disciplines, but that's your call. Also remember...
To address your concerns: -I like the double Carno + cowboy act. I think the cowboy works better on a Cold One. -Your Slann seems a little too...