Played in a tourney this weekend, had a good time. People from all walks of life were present. Some clean, some unclean. The Great Unclean one...
Re: Dice Order: IMPORTANT UPDATE IN OP & PAGE 21 Sorry guys, hectic weekend. I haven't heard back from the last person about colors, so I made...
So no magic or anything either? Ooh, you could max out your Special with big ol' units of Chameleons. There's no cap on their unit size, right?
Re: Dice Order: IMPORTANT UPDATE IN OP & PAGE 21 Well too bad. You already paid! Mwahahaha.... Just remember that these dice will last forever....
Re: Have any of you tried using the Jungle Swarms in 8th edi I've used them in a couple games and they seem ok. I only got them to add poison for...
Re: Dice Order: IMPORTANT UPDATE IN OP & PAGE 21 There are still 3 people I am waiting on responses from. If I don't hear back from them soon,...
Re: Dice Order: IMPORTANT UPDATE IN OP & PAGE 21 In the interest of time, IF YOUR ORDER WAS OK YOU WILL NOT HAVE RECEIVED A PM. Almost done! Few...
Re: Dice Order: IMPORTANT UPDATE IN OP & PAGE 21 Ok, almost have a response form everyone. We're almost there! Seems like a few of you changed...
I was wondering about that Dreadgrass guy...
Re: Dice Order: IMPORTANT UPDATE IN OP & PAGE 21 Thanks everyone! You guys are making this go a lot easier than I was expecting :smug: I have...
Re: Dice Order: IMPORTANT UPDATE IN OP & PAGE 21 If you guys want to just edit/add your orders here it will be easiest. A new thread is...
Re: Dice Pledges: IMPORTANT UPDATE ON PAGE 21 In reviewing my emails it I see that I am partly at fault for this error too. There are several...
Re: Dice Pledges: IMPORTANT UPDATE ON PAGE 21 My plan was to drop the all the colors that are not the 5 most popular. I will not be removing...
Re: Dice Pledges: IMPORTANT UPDATE ON PAGE 21 Yah, I think that is the easiest solution too. The good thing though, in looking at the order, the...
Re: Dice Pledges: Closed PLEASE READ Well...... Terrible news you guys. After I've already submitted the payment for these dice and we've been...
^^ Right. That's what I was referring to. Since this is a spell I would think it would have to follow that rule. Also, IIRC, in the close combat...
Re: Dice Pledges: Closed Almost. Just a few left :smug:
Doesn't the BRB say that a characteristic can never be reduced to less than 1? Is there a DE spell that supersedes that?
Just like to point out that 40k got a bunch of FAQs last month. I don't see why they wouldn't give WHFB any.
We could start "playing for keeps" against DE. On the note of FAQs, is the DE book in dire need of a FAQ like our book?