I wouldn't mind a cheap Dread saurian though
If FW or GW find them there will be legal repercussions no doubt
I can't even afford 1 Dread
Next time you rip that thing apart could you send me the wings ;) just kidding still haven't got appropriate ones for mine yet - nice...
From a strictly non biased point of view @Phoedinn did an amazing job
Sounds really cool, I like the little rhyming spell nice touch :D
Awomse to hear welcome aboard Larping sounds cool as a lizardman should defiantly tell us more about it some time :)
Might try sculpt one got my first ever batch of greenstuff on its way to me :) so will be using it for my competition entry among other things :)
Cool - I'll have to find a similar arm and blade for mine he didn't come with one unfortunately
Could you get me an image of this kinda thing actulley a really sweet idea - i'd make it float like a ghost ship or like a saxon burial maybe with...
Yeah, I'll have to try cut his skink attendant out or green stuff something over his section to make him fit with it too
I was thinking something Egyptian looking possibly or like a mini (insert name of those big tombs you house families etc in here)
Make sure you write on the paper the competition name next to your pictures for work in progress so its a valid entry :D
I'm going to look at making him a unique Palanquin instead I think - something Tomb like I haven't started brainstorming ideas yet
Ah I see I thought it was something similar wasn't sure
Cooking rope?
Of course you can :) You just need to meet the forum requirements without spamming messages which should be no problem for you - read the rules...
When I flipped the thing upside down whilst making it it looks like a snake jetpack :P but was gonna make more like a throne for Tehenhauin - Or...
Woah super impreisve painting and converting you've done something similar I was planning with the ark snake thing but you've done a really cool...
Which one is Tehenhauim? none have the like crest the same?