Latest update of items to arrive got a Lord Kroak finally :D and some others some headless teradons etc some need some TLC but that will come with...
You could always look at other income tatics like youtube pay you if you get enough veiwers etc so combining commissions with tutorials or videos...
@MunkenDronkey [ATTACH]
It's from a game set called Palladium Books -Rifts I think its out of production though
I said when I first saw this image to my fiancé "maybe she painted her kids drawing or something" but my fiancé pointed out that it's too...
It's so hard to keep anonymity when you're budding to tell everyone what you're working on :P
@Phoedinn is working on something top secret ;) and he's doing an amazing job you'll all get to learn more in due course...*suspense created*
@Jorgik makes some excellent colour points too - maybe try a variation on afew so you can see which you preffer
I have officially decided on my conversion task :D but it's a secret
Thought this model would be more like this in mini form - [ATTACH] Oh well its...
hmm yeah I could attempt that :) good idea
My raptor next to another one what do you guys think will it make a good horned one? will I need to convert it more? thinking about giving it...
There was an old animal handler model it seems maybe you could do something with that?
Finished one Bastiladon - Well other than basing him and adding a few more snakes :) The crew didn't quite match up the way I glued it so one is...
Its a cheapy gamer one called GAMEMAX or something :P came with a mouse too but it double clicked almost everything so closing one programme would...
I think the shield colour adds a nice dimension to them draws away from it looking too samey - just my opinion :) besides green shields in the...
Latest goodies not sure what i'm going to do with these one will be a horned or cold one probably :) hard to tell what the others are just from...
Building this one with an Ark of Sotek - I'm gonna revise my statement about this model being easy :P this is a fiddly bit and I accidently glued...
Also welcome to Lustria-Online and here is a link to our current painting competition and there is a conversion category too if you're interested...