Take look at my signature and see if there's any models on the weblinks you'd be interested @woogity is featured there too :)
The Tehenhauin the Prophet of Sotek Paradox: [ATTACH] "Well this is awkward"
@pendrake I found this site that explains a little on the old ones each known one and gives useful info about their colour representation and some...
Sounds good drop me a private message with what you can arrange I have substant painter on steam not version 2 and a music programme but never got...
Yeah I can see the complications that may arise - more visibility is the main issue to tackle it'll help sellers and buyers increase their...
[spoiler] I think this is looking nicer already - Sorry for spamming the page with it - If I can get it as a concept Logo then maybe someone...
Paint >.< fun fact the original drawing I did I used Warhammer bases to draw straight lines and shape the glyphs so they fit in the same space to...
If I had a 3d modelling programme i'd attempt making the glyphs with it but I have no idea of how long that takes or how hard it would be - but...
My signs gone from my bad handwriting - to my bad drawing to my bad paint skills >.< there's a theme no matter how much my idea is I can't execute...
[spoiler] Finished the outlines of the symbols now to attempt some magic spells to make it look decent
[spoiler] My signage i'm working on - It will give away that is my entry unless I get it nice enough that others wanna print out one for...
The thing Is it's the pose the models In I wanted :P I've got time to buy one hopefully while I look at other things - I ordered some green stuff...
The one model I want for my conversion Idea is one I don't own - Great
Fiancés choice not mine :P
@Warden loving your scenery makes me wanna create my own :D can't wait to see a full city by you keep at it :D
@The Red Devil making the right de-CALLs since 1991 (Random date well my DOB - tried to make a joke :P cringe)
Brand new in box doesn't last long when I'm involved - oops... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] The cellophane layer cane off before I even took a picture :p...
Yeah my D&D toad contains lead - and afew of my pewter ones say lead free pewter after they discovered it was harmful but im sure its mostly if...
Just about everything causes cancer :P its a natural mutation of cells and background radiation and things mean it happens to most organisms...
I'm not sure if I did already but I'd like to put out a thank you to the sponsors of this competition and those organising it :)