I'd be intrested to know who voted my story if they'd be forthcoming if not don't worry :)
I think a fairer random draw should be 1 per person - but in terms of encouraging more entries per category then one for each entry might boost...
I think its like this - 1 WIP with Papper 2 WIP or Finished model 3 Finished model But you'd need different angels to show off all the painting...
[spoiler] Updated competition sign written in Lizardmen glyphs - the date I used the roman numeral template for 2000 10+5+1 Edit: I used...
My fiancé is going to draw a snake on it - if I bug her enough to do so :P
I'm already making great progress for this competition... [ATTACH] I don't wanna toot my own horn but I hope I haven't peaked too soon with this
I'm defiantly going to fit the role of apprentice - I don't even know what NMM stands for - I thought he was a rapper
It said there is a random draw too so just taking part has a chance for some goodies :)
Head over to fantastic beasts and find something special to paint :D
[MEDIA] I seriously love this suggestion It adds a lead to a theme suggestion that makes it more of a direct challenge to create different...
I would say yes and use that use that as your start WIP picture. It's unpainted and the competition is to paint :D
I should :) - let me get a budget and a theme then I can see what colours I need :D
I'll get a quote on a budget soon I borrowed some money from my brother to afford my last Ebay addiction purchases so am currently looking at a...
I agree there will be more to come from this both prior to the story and what happens next - I'm going to see what the next theme is and either...
I think prizes are a good incentive for competitions but look at the entries you get without prizes its inspiring how many enter for the reward of...
Lets hope the winner choses the theme "Pat's day at the beach"..
If anyone wants to hear more from my entry head over: here.
I may be blind but what was the deadline on this competition? I have yet to buy paints for the hobby is there any recommendations people can make...
Is it too late to claim Ahem false Ahem *clears throat* ownership of one of the top 3?
I suggest a match to the death but i'm old fashioned like that