Then we could send ALL of our ideas and they can choose from them?
I think you would be looking at about the most expensive monster and monstrous infantry unit. They would be BRUTAL! :mad:
Aren't the Swedish comp doing a 8.1? And isn't that what we are going at? And giving them our suggestions? Or have I missed something? All ideas...
I think Tougness 5 would fit the Kroxigors better. If they got a regen save, basically the rest of our army would need it, because what are the...
A point reduction is probably the best first step. Isn't one of the bigger problems with shooting the bigger units, because you will never get...
Maybe that's a change for later, but I never understood, why the possibility for loremaster of one of the BRB lores was taken away.
I certainly will participate, unless something goes terribly wrong, like getting hit by a meteor wiping out the Lizard population or something. I...
From what I can see that look pretty good, so if that is rough I want to see your Temple Guards when they are finished. I like both color...
There was a magic item which allowed this last edition (it costed 15 points), so it's not a far stretch.
All right I can follow you. Maybe it would be all right to have a lv 4 skink, but honestly I think Slann should be lv 5. And why is it that we...
Not sure I like the idea of a lv 4 Skink, it just feels wrong to me, a lv 3 maybe, so he is not rivalling the Slann.
Maybe bring back the thing where the mage cannot cast any spells if you roll double one. The more dice are rolled, the bigger the chance of...
So more Core options will make for a greater variation of armies? That makes sense, but which units should move to Core? Or maybe new units should...
Isn't it just a matter of the price of their cannons, as it is seen as a part of the army and should be priced thereafter? If ward saves and...
Or there could be made "new" spells, like the "Piercing Bolts of Burning", so models in the unit is taken into account, saves could still be taken...
isn't that what we are sort of doing? I mean, there are a lot of good ideas here, but they probably need to be sorted. I don't know how to...
Well, given how the BRB explains WS: "This defines how accomplished or skilled a warrior is with his weapons, or how determined and vicious a...
I don't know actually, my older sister have wanted me to see Star Wars for a long time, it have just not really happened. And honestly, I, for...
A change for all armies: Mounts, monsters, monstroues beasts, etc. (basically all animals) get +1 WS when frenzied
I do not have anything against Star Wars really, I just think they are overdoing it, I got a bit tired or hearing about Star Wars when they...