Wait, how do you get 5 attacks?
Glad you like it
Whose attention?
I also finished my Skink Priest: [ATTACH] Also an Oracle, I will have to find out how use him though. [ATTACH]
Beware the pic heavy post I tried to make a very low tech improvised "lightbox". I don't know, the light seems off on some of the pictures (so I...
Don't be, we might not win, but on the plus side, we get to see an awesome paintjob
The spell is worded as follows: "The target unit must pass a Strength test every time it moves (included moving as a charger, fleeing, pursuing...
Well, there is no point in not trying at the very least
That is very sad indeed :( But at least some have voted, and maybe some just do not know what they want to vote?
Yay :D
I thought the snow theme fit very well with the high elves, in addition it makes it easier to paint :)
To me it sounds interesting, the question is if I will have anyone to play with, now with AOS.
Why take a unit of chameleons, when you could just take Oxyotl.
Fair point, but at that time they might have killed it already, well even more so than now. Argh, I don't know what to think about all this really.
Yeah, I don't know what to say, just [Facepalm] What have you done GW!
Do you think it could be an idea to write to GW. I mean they probably won't listen, but doing nothing certainly won't.
Where did Mazdamundi go, he is not in the warscrolls.
I think we just lost there, neveroddoreven is just so good ;)
I agree, I had a freind who had played before, and thought of getting back into the hobby, but because of all the uncertainty, he did not start an...