Cuz GW can't write rules and the way they've written "enhancements" unique models don't get them unless they have special rules on the warscroll....
If only I clicked like a second quicker on your previous post with the chart, you'd have a screenshot showing 20.001 :p
For the command abilities, make the first collumn the phase they go in instead of the ability. Makes it easier to find the relevant ones, and...
The oldblood in there still has one of the worst weapon options with no rend, though the highest volume of hits. So meh, unless this turns out to...
I mean sure. But it's not like the changes we see here make much sense with the information we got so far. For example behemoths generally going...
lol this is just silly. Though the bound spells dissappearing isn't exactly surprising. Endless spells being controllable kinda removes the point...
warchantar suffers from not being able to buff larger units anymore, so I guess that's why he's slightly cheaper? Brutes benefit from being a...
Not just that, but it's also just a lot easier to distinguish them if there's obvious visual differences. And sure you can paint one a different...
Some of this seems ridiculously excessive. The example they give of battle-ready is already quite a decently high standard of painting. Could...
Don't think so, they've stated that if you have contradictory effects only the last one that's applied takes effect. So a +1 (or +2 in this case)...
The look a tzeentch is fun. - They stack command abilities in an example with the fatemaster. Cuz why be consistent with earlier articles? - One...
Ah, somehow managed to gloss over that one line. Expected it to be in it's own subsection. Or at least for the number to be in bold.
That's just more confusing... On a sidenote, how many enhancements are supposed to be normal? They no longer list a base level of 1 general trait...
eh.. bit random to send the download via email. Also neat, quite a lot of translations apparently. That's new.
brilliant. I mean sure. But it hasn't existed in AoS so far, so we haven't had it for a good 6 or 7 years. So why bring it back now? It doesn't...
Ironically they're some of the better artifacts in the game. A 5+ ward save is decent enough depending on your faction, and more importantly it's...
This is honestly kind of a big issue. If your warscroll has an ability that adds +1 to a stat in a certain condition then suddenly a lot of...
Some kroxigor. Nearly glued my fingers together trying to get the weapons on properly. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I'm guessing all of these shield effects will be rephrased to be similar to the warscroll of the new orruk boss. "If this unit has a shield he has...