The thing is, most players will already buy the battletome for their faction anyway. So the vast majority of players will have acces to the...
Also, a weird thing I noticed, none of the new SCE and kruleboyz stuff appears to have warscrolls that you can download. Did GW change their...
Given that the EoTG got F.A.Q.-ed into a priest a prayer lore seems reasonably realistic. Mount traits we're probably never going to get, they...
Because the core needs to be consistent. That's kind of the first lesson you need to learn to design a good set of rules for anything whatsoever....
That's is kind of the point. GW keeps establishing core rules/design principles, usually with a big fanfare about how they finally "streamlined X"...
yeah no.... Core rules cannot be broken by definition, that's why they're core rules. If they can be broken they're not core. And games that do...
If a core-rule requires exceptions like this to not be silly or inconvenient then maybe this particular core-rule shouldn't exist to begin...
In terms of being OP or even general game-impact? No, probably doesn't matter overly much, at least not for now. In terms of consistent...
Of course they won't do it properly, they're never consistent with these kinda things. At best they'l only change it for like half the (flyer)...
I mean, so is our basic skink + salamander + slann list in that matchup. So that isn't so much a case of "Kroak is good" as much as it is "slow...
To be honest he seems to want to do too much at once, and consequently isn't truly good at anything. Dead for innumerable ages is great in...
o, that'd definitly be a priority, and this was simply an example. Just saying that in general having buffs be applicable more broadly will result...
It wouldn't just make a lot of stuff more viable, it'd also help with the (percieved) lack of diversity. If our buffs were more broadly applicable...
Explosions help :p
meh, you're not missing much, the higher tier dwarf units act more or less the same as the lower ones. Just with better stats. The gyrocopters I...
Could be, but this seems rather extreme. Plus, the build-instructions for AoS usually clearly state which bit of plastic represents what weapon...
mwha, if he keeps throwing stacks at you you at least get some income from it :p Honestly that's one of the weirdest ecomic mechanics this game...
Why in the world did they feel the need to highlight which weapon correspond to which bodypart? I mean, they'l still need different languages for...
Right in that case I misunderstood and got confused, never mind. Yes, but generally speaking you didn't see armies with 4-5 hordes. So your...
That's a total of 163%, that can't be right. It basicly has none of the drawbacks the hordebreakers actually have though. Horde breakers have...