A random picture from the internets to show you the scale.Probably a bit small if you'd want it to be behemoth sized. [IMG]
They did mention a lot of "allies of all order factions" nonsense, so maybe they're like Gotrek or SoB and can be taken as allies despite being...
They look oddly human, not sure if I like that... Wish they were clear about what faction these belong to though. O and of course it's yet...
Meh, kinda defeats the point. Getting 1 spell from the core lore would allow the core-lore to be used to create a nice solid base-line for...
O sure, there isn't much of an argument to be made, especially against the text in the errata. But imho; that text should've just been put...
People constantly try to find weird interpretations of the rules to get away with making ridiculous combo's in these kinda games, especially...
I guess the issue is that they simply can't do make actually clear and precise statements due to the staggered updates. If they simply say...
Don't you get a free spell from each available lore? E.g. Slann start with 1 spell from the lore of celestial domination and one from the generic...
Didn't they fix that in the errata with respect to spells/prayers?
I mean, you can just keep on adding bonusses using the anvil of apotheosis until you have enough wounds. But it'l probably be horribly priced....
No, they're thicker, not necesarly stronger. Only barely though, and Ungrim isn't thicker despite wearing significantly bigger pauldrons than...
Yes, his arms/legs are thicker, but his chest/body as a whole isn't. Which was the point I am trying to make. Taller people are generally...
Just be glad the Ai doesn't gang up on you, that's what ruins most of my campaigns; suddenly being attacked by 4 factions at once, all of whom are...
Used the kairic Acolytes cuz they're not particularly empowered (physically at least), they're merely humans in peak shape. Being followers of...
So can a trained human. Which is also kind of the issue when comparing us to chimps. Chimps spend the entire day climbing trees and whatnot, we...
I mean the chimp also has other advantages, like a vicious bite and the fact that it's a feral animal that will not hesitate to murder you. And...
What's also important to consider is that dwarfs are simply smaller. So even if they're stronger in a relative sense, they might not be stronger...
As if that ever stopped anyone from making up stuff and discussing it on the internet in a pseudo scientific manner :p I haven't seen any stories...
I think the inaccuracy of my completly made-up graphs gets kind of in the way here. I should probably have made the dwarf graph taller and not...
My point is that a dwarf isn't superhuman. They merely fall a bit more to the right of our bell-curve in terms of strength. And while that is...