O sure, there's just one issue. Dwarves usually aren't depicted as that much stronger than a human. The difference is generally small enough that...
meh, at least they haven't got a tome yet so it's still their first wave for now :p
Looks cool, makes me wonder how many models they'l get though.
Spears can be braced on the ground as well, allowing people (or dwarfs) to wield quite massive ones compared to their own size. So honestly if...
Important to note, for spells & prayers; 1 enhancement = 1 spell for every wizard/ 1 prayer for every priest in your army.
Ah, thought they were never on great terms to begin with and Kragnos just caused the tensions to flare back up again after a relativly peacefull...
Kragnos was an enemy of the dragons who activly tried to genocide them, so that can't be right. yeah, not sure if I like it. I mean it's cool and...
It's honestly kind of surprising how few IG regiments are actually supported, even if you take into account forgeworld. You'd think it'd be...
you can play them on the regular campaign, always have been able to. Having said that, I think that they've always worked best in that little...
How are they only playable in a side campaign? They worked fine in the grand campaign of warhammer I on release. Though they quickly fell behind...
meh, some interaction between factions is neat, especially for new stuff. Though I'd hope it'd at least result in units for both factions.
you can reinforce units that are not "single" e.g. all heroes and behemoths are "single", Kroak is also "unique".
It's literally the first thing I see when I open the AoS tab on forgeworld, so that's a bit weird if it's going away. [ATTACH]
Could always go the whole "sentient super smart mount who works in tandem with the rider" route, that'd allow it to have a rider (and fit it into...
Have you met the Greek gods? Subtility is not a requirement for deification.
please no.. we already got a silly amount of factions, don't add in yet anotherone.
The dracoths the SCE ride & the stardrake are supposed to be descendents of them if I remember correctly.
Aren't there "forgotten" old ones as well? Giving us considerable leeway for making up our own ones?
Maybe they'l be like slaves of darkness who can be taken into various chaos armies and can be fitted into both factions by taking the right keyword?
I am claiming that in this case this person is attempting to communicate "not A" in an incorrect way because he is using a sentence which purely...