According to the last scientific text I linked a negative concord is defined as followed: The use of a double negative (or multiple negatives)...
Simply put, English doesn't support a negative discord, and thus double negatives grammatically turn positive (or at least the inverse of the...
Aren't weasel words fun? :P
Formal use is generally the standard for the "correct" form of a language. The fact that certain groups of people, or regions, develop their own...
Is the Camebridge dictionairy sufficiently respectable to convince you? It is grammaticly wrong to use double negatives like "I ain't got no...
Bunch of traitors not uniting against @NIGHTBRINGER :p
Depends on the language. In the case of modern standard English, so the formal rules that are taught in school, a double negative makes a...
I shall accept your compliment about my mental prowess, which is fitting after all I am a scientist :p As for the other bits; @Lizards of Renown...
I've added the subtext to put it into context * *as stated by a person who we have just established himself has bad tastes. So any objection he...
I'm glad you agree I have amazing taste and affirm that by pointing out my absolutely brilliant decisions which you could never replicate. Thank...
you're asking @NIGHTBRINGER? Really? :p
shooting heroes simply don't really work... imho shooting heroes should just come with an entourage, then they can get a sufficiently large volley...
I mean that'd still be like what, once a week? :p
Kroak's already busy casting other stuff though. It's the same issue the EoTG has when used for healing, you're sacrificing the role it normally...
nah then we'd get to listen to you go to duovingtuple old one. Don't think that's much better :p
right.. honestly this is rather confusing but I guess this is better.
I think they explained this in a seperate post. The designers commentary does indeed just say "does this apply to mortal wounds? No." But there...
The issue is that scaly skin says: "Reduce damage from succesfull attacks" And in their F.A.Q. they stated that spells, abilities etc. are not...
Don't think that necesarly holds for others, but fair enough :P
I don't think the beastmen are playable at all without that DLC, so yes. The AI will still use the new stuff though. So you can still kill...