Realmshaper engine has its uses, I had fun blocking off an objective in a game with Legions of Nagash, even though I did not get to personally...
Thunder lizard in a thunder lizard subfaction? That is going to be epic
And finally [ATTACH]
But wait, more dinosaurs! [IMG]
One work around is you could try the warscroll builder website on warhammer community I believe it has all the battalions and current points. Imho...
o_Oo_O What are you going to paint it? :D
[ATTACH] rawr
[ATTACH] loons!
[ATTACH] yes I took this picture, and the insect above
I bare grave new. My meme folder is now to big to upload anything to it. 2841 times in the folder
More birds [ATTACH]
Hand of glory is also pretty useful, and really the spell is up to preference. Skinks make excelllent screen,s but be warned that their bravery is...
How about this :D [ATTACH]
Overall looks decent, although you might want to consider a few changes. First up, is taking coalesced Koatl’s claw as it makes saurus that much...