Leopard gecko was in the list
They both make me sneeze a lot
The dog steals shoes, socks and other pieces of clothing also leopard geckos breathe fire, making them far superior to anything else
But they don’t go chasing after deer or trying to catch and shake squirrels to death
Sneks are basically legeless lizards
This is war! Obviously the leopard gecko is superior and doggo is superior! also ferrets smell really bad
Where shall we take our feud?
Leopard geckoes and dogs are better than ferrets. fight me
Try something like this, it’s mire refined to have better healing in the hopes of keeping your stegadons alive for longer. If you don’t have an...
Dang I should really finish that drawing soon
Well I’ve learned two things as well which influences me running up and down stairs either I’m running from something (I.E the basement monster,...
I run up and down stairs, going up at home on stairs means I run on all fours, cause it’s fun :cool:
Unfortunately, GW has no stegadon and an official model of mazdamundi was never released. although speaking of your dreads, we’ve never seen the...
Not going to lie, a Stegadon with a Slann on top would be pretty awesome
Guys Lustria has literally just become New York City
Good luck moving in that
Tezka, seemingly dazed returned to his feet. Looking around he also saw the other lizardmen rising to their feet, also dazed, but more importantly...
You fool-imbecile! The clever rat-vermin thing played a trick-trick on us!
The disappointment, ah well I still have the starpriest to dish out mortal wounds on a unit of ten knights, on average it will deal 5.71 mortal...