Tezka, upon learning the news simply stopped his efforts, not even batting an eyelid as he turned away. He nodded at Tik and gestured for the...
Alright, here is the math hammer on a unit of 10 knights. They do not charge but have a source pop savagery incarnate on them. They pile in and...
The question is then, can the +1 to wound make up for losing a bunch of mortal wounds? The initial idea was to have starpriests buff knights as...
Sunblood looks good, but I’m somewhat on the fence about it. It’s relatively slow and would have a tough time keeping up with the saurus knights,...
Oh @LizardWizard endow me with wisdom, I wrote up this modified version of the carnosaurs list, better suited to dealing mortal wounds and such...
looks like liver failure to me
Nodding at Tik, Tezka accepted the powder. Ingesting in, Tezka felt a sudden burst of energy, and he felt refreshed. Grunting in a show of thanks...
The more and more videos come in, it’s pretty clear that we are in a much better place than we used to be. Let’s see what else we can think up...
Upon hearing the roar, Tezka leaps up. Sniffing the air Tezka attempts to find what made the sound. As he does so he tries to clear away a small...
Because they don’t play with knives and other objects to the same extent that us males do?
Have we ever gotten a model of Nakai?
Scenting the blood, Tezka once again roared, not in challenge but in fury at the difficulty of clearing the rubble. Knowing his muscles were numb,...
Me:I didn’t murder him, he died of natural causes the police officer: you pushed him off a five story building me: gravity is a natural thing
Something that I just thought about; say humanity gets wiped out in say nuclear war (I don’t know the specifics). In about 10-50 almost every...
Bruh that guy is dressed, I’m still in what I wore to bed