Agreed! Quite an ugly guy already... ;)
Thunder thunder thundercats!!!
Indeed! Looks great! And epic way of presentation!
Where is @Bowser ?
Good concept... Will do that...
I'm also not sure if I will be able to finish this on time... maybe we could add another week? Otherwise I'll have to admit that I bit of more...
He's indeed quite creative and talented... some stuff is d&d specific some things not my style, but you can learn and get inspiration from every...
Works well and looks good!;)
No picture visible to me...
This is were I got it from... [MEDIA] So basically @Aginor got it right? ;)
This paper towel technique works not only well for canvas roofs... also skink crests can be made quite easily... I used some poster putty and...
Yes but after thundercats there was saber rider and transformers and these dinosaurs with kids as friends... t rex was the evil and alosaur the...
I have one in the shape of Excalibur (bought in Sheffield) and one with a handle made of black marble(from my grandpa) usually I don't use them...
Thundercats was one of my favorite shows way back as a child... thanks to my parents they didn't get cable tv so I could only watch it at my...
I was kind of proud to reach 930 replies on my paintlog... then I checked here and the just for laughs thread to clam down again... really quite...
So... lots of house cleaning done today... wife is returning on Tuesday... still found some little time for some painting... Cheneruka got a wash...
Cheneruka the pale one... an attempt to paint white skin... I used a grey wash on white... the effect is not as strong as I expected... maybe I'll...
Yepp! Make it a paint log!
Here's what I use for my lava/fire effects: White primer Flash glitz yellow Averland sunset Fire dragon orange Squig orange Evil sunz scarlet...