Made a market stall... First the wooden framework... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Then the canvas roof... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] As this could count as...
My idea was that they were special spawnings or specialist spawnings... made for their special task... like being smaller and specially colored......
Ok. Here some pics of my progress... found that the clay I wanted to use got hard over the time... fortunately I had a small package in reserve so...
Well... terrain is going quite well... managed to build a detachable roof for the countinghous... next step is the interior and to get a layer of...
Balls of steel! Really!
My progress... I decided to make it modular... Pictures: [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Already basecoated one... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Well... I didn't say you will like it... but I would say that there is the optional possibility that you might find that the tactical depth of the...
Thanks! And heads up... You're giving me two more options to name the hammer sticks... that means bonus points... ;) so that's a draw...
Poser! ;)
Just so easy... thanks
I bet after a few editions even you would say it's quite similar to 8th edition wfb.. .
Definitely. After unpacking them I have to say are great. Nicely detailed and quite solid... only things to complain about are one sword that's...
Time is the important factor here.. ;)
Visited the shop today... seems like they extended their product range... [ATTACH] Already primed and for 4,50€ a pack...
Wow! Fuck! That hurts!
There's a big tower in the country of Canada with a big red eye on top... that's where @NIGHTBRINGER lives... And believe me one can see things...
I wonder why there are so many space orks in a fantasy setting...;)
The dread looks cool! The elf, too... bad thing with the clear coat... would be really pissed off, too. Maybe this will help calm down your mood:...