Lord Magwe could feel the undead horde scraping at the edges of his mind as they advanced on his fledgling temple city. Wheeled war machines, too...
I converted a temple guard model to be Gor-rok, with a saurus champion head and various bits to make a chest protector. His Shield of Aeons was...
Even as Lord Magwe and his loyal minions labored to rebuild the ruins of Kaiqubotl into a functioning temple city, the Chaos invaders continued...
Love the way you narrate these battles- it makes me imagine an actual battlefield instead of just a bunch of models on a table. Keep it up!
I've never played against beastmen, and I don't know much about what was changed in the new book. Are the minotaurs as tough as they look on paper?
Having a unit champion is pretty much mandatory with a unit this big in my book. WoC heroes must challenge you, but other races' heros/ champions...
Well, the game I played tonight for example: minor loss against my WoC pal (stupid mistake, general slain by invincible serial rapist hero,...
Thanks for all the feedback! I know I'm going counter to popular opinion, but I love the razordons so far. They're kind of like a super mobile,...
If all the fast cavalry are busy trying to provoke my unit of razordons into misfiring, they're not out causing problems for the rest of my army,...
I swear by my gigantic skink/krox mob (the aforementioned 24&3 unit that slew the Hellcannon). As long as they get the charge, and I pick my...
Great report! Painful to hear about oldblood missing all his attacks; I've had that happen more than once. I also once declared a shooting...
Razordons don't seem to do very well against heavy armor. I once had a group of three of them fire off thirty-eight shots (most dice I've ever...
Lord Magwe meditated on the coming battle against the Chaos-tainted invaders. Time and time again he searched the stars for inspiration, yet...
Just tried out the list... Success! Though I'm not sure how well things would have turned out if I hadn't rolled so spectacularly and my Chaos...
Appreciate all the feedback. My razors did respectably in a game tonight, wiping out the crew of a chaos Hellcannon, put a wound on the cannon...
I know the issue of razordons in relation to the FAQ ruling on stand and shoot dice has been discussed in great depth elsewhere, but I've been...
Thanks for the advice. I have time to play some trial games before the tournament, so I'll try out a couple different versions of the list....
My third tournament is coming up and I've done pretty well so far. This time I wanted to try a totally different approach, based around some of...
Thanks for the welcome everybody, I'm feeling right at home. I'm new to posting stuff too (never was much for electronics) but I can already...
Hi, I'm new here. I started with table games less than a year ago after I scored a bunch of overtime after a big storm hit, and some of the...